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Freeda's World

Ep. 8 Let's Talk Therapy with Dr. Florence St. Jean, Executive Director of Global Trauma Research

Nov 15, 2017

This week on FREEda's World, I am joined by the fabulous Dr. Florence St. Jean, Executive Director of Global Trauma Research, a non-profit organization with the mission to help support people around the world affected by psychological trauma. On this episode, Dr. Florence takes us through her journey of becoming Dr. Flo. She shares with us the challenges and obstacles she had to overcome to be where she is now. We discuss mental health in general and the work that her organizations does. We also talk about the professional woman, how burn out is real, the importance of self-care and Dr. Flo shares with us some tips on what we as over worked, pressed for time superwomen can do to reduce burnout and lead a productive working life. * Unbeknownst to Dr. Flo, she is our FREEda Woman of the week! Congrats girl! You deserve it! Be sure to check out our website to shop for the latest accessories and while you’re there check out our blog to learn more about who we are, our social impact initiatives and upcoming events. To like, subscribe and comment, follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @freedawomennyc FREEda’s World podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Stitcher. Please leave us a review and tell us what you think!