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FREEda's World

May 15, 2019

This week we are talking about loss. Many of of us have experienced loss at some point in our life. It is not easy and depending on who you lost, the impact on your life can be debilitating. 

I lost my grandmother in 2013. she raised me as her own. She was my everything. I literally never conceived a life without her. So when I lost her, my world literally fell apart. I was broken and if I am being honest, I still am broken. 

Over the years the grief of losing my grandmother, has really took a toll on all aspects of my life. Work included. So I began to think, how does one cope with death and still be present at work? 

A few years ago I was scrolling through social media and I saw that a friend of mines from college had lost her mother. Come to find out, she had lost her father only a few years prior. Not too long after finding out about her mother, I found out that she lost her boyfriend. In my mind, I thought how is this woman able to function let alone go to work?

On this episode, I am joined by my friend Joi Britt, LCSW and host of The Joi of Social Work Podcast. Joi is going to share with us her story of life after loss. She will discuss some of the challenges she faced at work and how she was able to be present at work while dealing with her loss.


Congratulations to Farah Louis who won the special election for City Council of Brooklyn's 45th District! Thank you all who supported our FREEda Woman through this endeavor!


Social Media:

@lionessgoesroar -Joi Britt host of The Joi of Social Work- 

@farahnlouis- CouncilWoman-Elect Farah Louis- 




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