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FREEda's World

Dec 31, 2021

Happy Birthday to my beloved grandmother Freda. Although she is no longer with us, her life has inspired women all over in so many ways.

In this episode, we talk about the FREEda Way and the importance of being human. As the year comes to a close, we discuss the importance of remaining positive despite what we are going...

Dec 22, 2021

This week we are talking strategy! Many of us are anxiously trying to get things in order with the new year coming. As women of color, we often have too much on our plate. Achieving a work-life balance seems to be unattainable. What is the key to success? How can we strategize to optimize our lives?

In this episode,...

Dec 15, 2021

This week we are talking promotions and raises! We work hard, and we deserve to be compensated accordingly. This week, we have the amazing Lucha Saint-Fleury, a Director of Talent Acquisition for a large NYC company. In this episode, Lucha talks to us about the many ways we can leverage ourselves for our next promotion...

Dec 8, 2021

In this episode of FREEda'S World, we discuss setting boundaries. Let's face it, boundaries have taken on a whole new meaning, especially at the workplace. We went from clocking out at 5 PM on the dot to now answering emails at 2 AM, and this is after working a whole 8-hour shift! Something has got to give. We need...

Dec 1, 2021

FREEda Fam we are back! We are so excited to be back! There is so much going and we are back to help you navigate these crazy workplace streets. In this episode Ritha shares some life updates and gives a preview on what to expect at FREEda's World.

Make sure to follow us on Instagram @freedas_world