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FREEda's World

Mar 27, 2019

This week we are talking about another office showdown. Parents vs. childless employees. Tune is an I discuss some of the issues that arise when parents call out of work to tend to their children, how childless employees feel about it, different ways Employers can remedy this issue and what you as an employee can do to...

Mar 20, 2019

Spring is literally in the air! And you know what that means. It's time for a metamorphosis. Many of us are wanting to burst out of our cocoons and become butterflies. We are ready for that change, but we feel so stuck. How can I begin to make a move? Where are the opportunities? Trust me, I am right there with you. But...

Mar 13, 2019

This week we are talking to the single mothers! Being a single mom is hard ya'll. Sometimes I want to cry. Being a working single mother is even harder. It is an emotional roller coaster. How do you deal when the single mom struggle is too real, but you still have to report to work and be productive? I am still figuring...

Mar 6, 2019

It's performance review season! *Cues weird danger music* Performance reviews can be the source of great anxiety. Even if you are a stellar employee, having to sit in a room with your manager, listening to them dissect your work performance can be a little uncomfortable. This week I talk about how to survive a bad...