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Freeda's World

Mar 26, 2020

This week I am a with my very special guest Kelynne Edmond who is the president of the Haitian American Nurses Association of Greater NY. Listen in as we talk about her organization, the Coronavirus, nurse education and more. 

Social Media Mentions:

Haitian American Nurses Assoc. of Greater NY- @hanagreaterny


Mar 20, 2020

What a week! Coronapocalypse has taken over and many of us are wondering whether we are living in a movie. I personally feel like I am living in a real life episode of the hunger games. 

So this week I was placed on an unpaid leave for the next two to three months due to the coronavirus or what I like to call the 'Rona....

Mar 12, 2020

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all are doing well in the midst of this global pandemic! Even though the "Rona" is out to get us, the show must go on! 

On this episode I share a little about the event that FREEda's World will be hosting on Tuesday March 24th, 2020 in NYC. As of now we are still on! If you not yet...

Mar 4, 2020

Happy first Wednesday of Women's History Month! We are kicking off Women's history month with our very special guest Clarissa Moore aka The Budget Queen!  Clarissa is the owner of the Budget Queen Brand. She teaches working women how to manage their money so they can live their best lives without going broke to...