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FREEda's World

Aug 28, 2019

On this episode of FREEda's World, I am speaking with the amazing Marjorie Vail! Aside from being my spirit animal, she is also a Haitian sista!

Marjorie forayed into the pageant world in her mid-thirties but has been enjoying it ever since. Her belief is that pageantry can be a great way to promote and bring awareness...

Ep. 51: The Importance of Women of Color in Career Services

Aug 21, 2019

Think back to that time you were in undergrad or grad school. Do you remember your advisor? Was your advisor a person of color? Better yet, was your advisor a woman of color? Did you feel connected to your advisor? Do you feel as if they prepared you for the workforce?

If I had to guess, I would say that many of you did...

Aug 14, 2019

I know that you have all heard the phrase "we all have one good book inside of us". It is true, especially as women of color. Our experiences are rich and they need to be shared. Our knowledge, our wisdom, these are gifts that should not be taken to the grave. 

I have heard many say (I am part of the many), one day, I...

Aug 7, 2019

Unless you are living under a rock, I am sure you are aware that we are in the thick of election 2020 season. With the presidential debates heating up and the current president acting up and showing out, one can't help but to engage in political discussions. 

I mean everyone has something to say about the state of...

Aug 1, 2019

On this week's episode I address one of the topics discussed on last week's episode, work anxiety, fear due to lack of job security. (that's right you have to go back and listen lol) In this economy, there is no such thing as job security, regardless of what sector you are in. However, despite our fears, we must still...