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FREEda's World

Feb 27, 2019

This week we are talking about dealing with female bosses and workplace bullying. ~~Women empowerment has become such a movement and such a trend lately. But for some reason this trend has not quite made it to the workplace. ~~Why do women feel like they have to compete with each other in the work place? What triggers...

Ep. 28: I am not my hair! Or am I?

Feb 20, 2019

Today we are talking about the recent NYC ban on discrimination based on hair! The NYC Commission on Human Rights specifically asserts the right of people to have "natural hair, treated or untreated hairstyles such as locs, cornrows, twists, braids, Bantu knots, fades, Afros, and/or the right to keep their hair in...

Feb 13, 2019

We are so happy to be back! This episode is pretty much to catch you all up to what we have been up and where we plan on going! We want to thank you for all of your continued support along this journey! If you haven't done so already, please subscribe!