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FREEda's World

Ep. 2 Feat. Marly Marcellus, Esq.

Sep 27, 2017

On today's show I am joined by my very dear friend and former colleague Marly Marcellus, Esq. Marly is currently an in house attorney in one of our New York City Agencies. In today's society it's not easy being a professional working women. Now add children to the mix and what do we have?... A situation. On this episode...

Ep.1 Feat. Juliana Stinson

Sep 18, 2017

Freeda's World host Ritha Pierre and Guest Julianna Stinson discuss the nuance of the "Professional Clapback." *FREEda Woman of the Week: Assemblywoman Rodneyse Bichotte Music by: 3MBeatz